Privacy Policy
Please note that while treats our communications with you as confidential and protected by the attorney-client privilege, the communications, in and of themselves, do not create an attorney-client relationship. Likewise, your use of this website does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and us.

This website uses cookies. Cookies are small pieces of data written in text files stored on your computer or other devices when websites are loaded in your browser. They are widely used to “remember” you and your preferences for a single visit or multiple repeat visits. We may use cookies to improve the technical functionality of our website, to see how you arrived on our website, or to see what pages you visited. We may also use cookies to deliver information about cases and investigations you may be interested in.

We maintain the privacy of your messages to us. We do not sell or transfer your personal information, including your email address, to any third party, except as described in this paragraph. If we are working collaboratively with other lawyers or retained consultants or experts in investigating or preparing a case, we may share your information with them, provided they also agree to maintain your confidentiality. Likewise, in case of a lawsuit settlement, we may share your information to help ensure that you receive notice of the settlement.

If you choose to contact us by completing one of the contact forms on our website, your message is automatically forwarded to us. We may respond to your inquiry using any contact information you provide, including email, text message, or phone call. We retain your information in a database, which is not shared with any third parties other than those described above. If you provide us with your contact information, we may use it to send you case and lawsuit updates and information on cases of public interest. If you should wish to update or change any personal information you provided to us or would like to opt out of receiving future communications from us, please send an e-mail message to or with your new or updated information or preferences. Any changes to this privacy policy will be noted on this page.

Published February 2023